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    * Simplified Privacy Notice of Empresa Sustentable Ambiental del Sureste, S.A. de C.V., effective as of November 1, 2019. Empresa Sustentable Ambiental del Sureste, S.A. de C.V. (EMSA), with address at Avenida Framboyanes Lt 1ª Mza IV, Cd. Industrial Bruno Paglial, C.P. 91697, Veracruz, Ver. The information of our clients and potential clients is treated in a strictly confidential manner, so by providing us with your data you consent that they may be used by Empresa Sustentable Ambiental del Sureste, S.A. de C.V. for the following primary and necessary activities: (i) identify you; (ii) contact you; (iii) monitor, update and confirm the products and services contracted; (iv) provide you with the good and / or service you request, (vi) keep our records updated in order to be able to respond to your inquiries; (vii) evaluate the quality of the services we offer you; (viii) respond to your comments or requests for information. In case you do not want your personal data to be processed for any or all additional purposes, from this moment you can communicate the above to the address: protecciondedatos@grupoemsa.mx. EMSA will notify you of any change to your privacy notice through our website: http://grupoemsa.mx/contacto, for which we ask you to review it periodically.